

Fascia: The Missing Link in Birthwork

Fascia, the body's largest sensory organ, affects movement, tension, and alignment during pregnancy and birth. Restrictions can lead to pelvic tension, labor dystocia, and discomfort. Gentle release techniques support better alignment and ease in birth. Expecting mothers can benefit from movement, pelvic balance, and emotional release. For deeper support, a certified Rolfer or structural integrator can help optimize the body for pregnancy, labor, and recovery.

Postpartum The Sacred Trimester

The postpartum period is a time of deep healing, yet many new mothers feel pressure to "bounce back." This blog explores how to create a nurturing postpartum space that promotes rest, recovery, and emotional well-being. Learn how to set up your postpartum sanctuary, prioritize support, and incorporate healing practices for a smoother transition into motherhood.

Strategies For a Positive Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum recovery is essential for long-term health and well-being. This blog covers top strategies for healing after birth, including rest, pelvic floor recovery, emotional balance, and nutrition. Learn how to set yourself up for a smoother postpartum transition and discover key tips to support your body and mind during the fourth trimester.

Bodywork For Birth Is A Must

Summary:Bodywork is a powerful tool for preparing for labor, yet many women overlook its benefits. This blog explores how pelvic alignment, fascia release, and corrective exercises can reduce pain, improve contractions, and encourage optimal baby positioning. Learn how to incorporate bodywork into your birth preparation for a smoother, more efficient labor experience.

Key Questions for a Successful VBAC

A vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is a safe and empowering option for many mothers, but preparation is key. This blog covers the essential questions to ask your provider, how to choose the right birth team, and physical and emotional preparation techniques to support a successful VBAC. Learn how mindset, bodywork, and informed decision-making can set the stage for the birth you desire.

Navigating Birth Options

Every birth is unique, and making informed decisions ensures that your experience aligns with your values and needs. This blog explores different birth settings, provider options, and the importance of birth planning. Learn how to choose the best birth environment and provider for your journey to motherhood.

The Emotional Shift of Fatherhood

First-time dads often wonder how they can best support their partner during pregnancy and birth. This blog outlines key ways fathers can be involved, from learning about birth to providing emotional and physical support. It also explores ways to bond with the baby before birth and help during the postpartum period. Discover how dads can confidently step into their role for a smoother, more connected birth experience.

Embrace YOUR Natural Hormone For Birth

Oxytocin is the key hormone for labor progression, pain management, and postpartum healing. This blog explores how stress and fear can block oxytocin, leading to longer labors, and provides natural ways to boost its production for a smoother birth. Learn how to create a supportive birth environment, use gentle touch, and practice relaxation techniques to harness the power of oxytocin for an empowered birth.

Why You Shouldn’t Choose An Elective C-Section

There are more than just physical problems that newborns are at risk for when born via cesarean. There are potential psychological problems that will show up later in their life. However, many of these problems are often missed as something correlated to the birth. What the newborn experiences in the womb creates predispositions, expectations, and vulnerabilities in their future. If you knew this, would you still elect for an unnecessary cesarean?

Nurturing the Sacred Postpartum Space

We must understand that as the new mother is dealing with life transitions of birth she is as vulnerable as her newborn and needs special care and attention during the time of postpartum.

How To Birth a Big Baby

When you're having a bigger baby, it is very important to be able to have as much mobility and freedom inside your pelvis as possible, because you have to create enough space for your baby to navigate through. One part of your soft tissues is a connective tissue called fascia. Fascia weaves all through your muscles, tendons, ligaments, membranes, even your bones. Fascia is actually what allows these soft tissue in your body to stretch and contract. 

About the Author

Hi, I'm Marya Eddaifi

I was only 22 when I had my son. It wasn't the best experience but I didn't know better.

It wasn’t until after I became a Labor and Delivery nurse did I realize how badly I was treated and grieved over my birth. Did I tell you this was 15 years later?

After realizing how nurses and medical providers impact such a huge life event, it became my mission to change the world through beautiful birth experiences!