
Planning a VBAC? Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

As a labor and delivery nurse for over a decade, I have helped many women achieve their goal of having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). With my insight of knowing my providers and behind the scenes discussions, I want to let in on a little secret, not all doctors are bad, not all doctors “won’t let” you, and not all doctors have a choice. There is more to it than meets the eye.

It’s your choice, but this may mean you have to do some research. Women who plan to VBAC are considered ‘High Risk’ by their provider. During pregnancy you may feel like it’s a ‘normal pregnancy’ but when your due date arrives things may change. So how can you make sure that the plan of care you discussed throughout your pregnancy will be followed through?

Here are top 10 questions that will help you find the provider who is right for you.

#1 Is the hospital you deliver at VBAC friendly? Some providers may be VBAC supportive, but where they have hospital privileges is not.

#2 Do you feel comfortable with patients who want to VBAC? 

#3 If you do have some uncomfortable feelings, what are they and how will I know you have them with me?

#4 At what gestational age would you want to talk to me about an induction?

#5 Do you do VBAC induction? If so, what types of induction would you offer to me?

#6 Is there an estimated fetal weight that you would refuse to partake in my VBAC? 

#7 How do you feel about the nursing staff in the hospital I would deliver in? Are they comfortable with VBAC mothers? Nurses are with you more than the doctor is and you should learn if they have a good reputation of helping mothers achieve their VBAC. 

#8 Would you be honest enough with me if at some point in my pregnancy you may not feel you can meet my desires? Would you take the time to talk with me about your concerns in a timely manner so I could have the option of transferring care?

#9 What prenatal recommendations would you offer to me? Do you support alternative therapies such as soft tissue bodywork and chiropractic. To learn more, visit my blog ‘HOW TO HAVE A GOOD VBAC’. 

#10 What are their NON-NEGOTIABLES? Such as, how do they feel toward an unmedicated trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC). Do they have a ‘must have an epidural’ policy? Since you are not medical, I would make sure they give you an extensive list. Simply say, “since I don’t know can you think of everything possible that you must have to support my VBAC.” 

There are many more questions you can ask, these are just a few. Watch my video if you want to know more about some other VBAC facts that I talk about as a labor and delivery nurse.


About the Author

Hi, I'm Marya Eddaifi

I was only 22 when I had my son. It wasn't the best experience but I didn't know better.

It wasn’t until after I became a Labor and Delivery nurse did I realize how badly I was treated and grieved over my birth. Did I tell you this was 15 years later?

After realizing how nurses and medical providers impact such a huge life event, it became my mission to change the world through beautiful birth experiences!